30th January 2020
Teresa's close shave raised £1.4K for hospice

Healthcare Assistant Teresa Williams more than doubled her fundraising target when she had her head shaved for Nottinghamshire Hospice where she works as a member of the Hospice at Home team. She’s so far raised £1,143 with more pledged. Her original target was £500.
She signed up to have her head shaved on the anniversary of her mother’s death to show solidarity with her mother and other cancer patients who lose their hair through chemo.
Teresa, who cares for patients in their own homes at the end of their lives, said: “I was nervous on the day but kept in mind the many patients who have no choice, but to lose their hair because of chemotherapy. I feel very thankful to be in good health myself.
“I kept my eyes shut while the clippers cut my hair. When I opened them it was quite shocking but I soon got used to it and now I can literally just ‘wash and go’.”
Teresa, who cares for patients in their own homes in the last weeks, days and hours of their lives, said “Working for the hospice I see first-hand the benefits it provides to patients and their families. This has been my opportunity to give something back and raise awareness.
“I’m so thrilled with all the donations people have given to the hospice. I highly recommend a head shave as a fundraising idea!”
Teresa’s mother Mary was cared for in a hospice in Letchworth, Hertfordshire at the end of her life in 2013 after being diagnosed with breast cancer eight years previously and battling the illness ever since. Teresa was given a family room at the hospice so she could stay there too and was impressed by the care her mother received there.
Teresa said: “In the final year of mum’s life she became really poorly and didn’t want to be alone. With me and other family living some distance away this put a huge strain on our lives. In mum’s area there was no Hospice at Home service which would have made a huge difference to us. So I want to make sure people are aware of the service that Nottinghamshire Hospice provides, especially where I live in Mansfield.”
She is now sporting headgear in the hospice’s corporate colour purple! hospice as purple is its corporate colour.
Last year, Nottinghamshire Hospice provided 12,000 hours of Hospice at Home care for patients in their own homes in the mid-Notts healthcare region and is currently rolling out its Hospice Night Support service in the area too.