16th May 2019
Robins come home to roost in Sherwood

Sherwood residents are getting ready to welcome two Hoodwinked robins which they clubbed together to buy at auction last year.
The birds formed part of a trail of colourful 5-foot robin sculptures that took Nottingham by storm last summer. They have now come home to roost at their forever perches on Mansfield Road in Sherwood and will be welcomed at an official ceremony on Saturday.
Fireman Dan Walker set up a crowd-funder which raised more than £7,000 in a week before the Hoodwinked auction last October when sculptures were auctioned to raise funds for the hospice. Dan, cheered on by community members, won two robins for the local community.
Eleri Tunstall, a member of the Sherwood group, said: “It’s fantastic to welcome the robins home, it feels like the perfect ending to this whole adventure. Everyone who was involved with the crowdfunder is really excited about it.
“The council installed the robins around eight this morning which was when children were passing by on their way to school. They loved seeing the robins again.
“We hope lots of people will come along to welcome the robins on Saturday.”
The group are holding a street collection and cake stall to raise money for Nottinghamshire Hospice at the welcome event.
Anita Harris, head of fundraising at Nottinghamshire Hospice said: “How fantastic it is that the robins that brought so much pleasure to so many people are back on public display.
“They are a tangible reminder of the special ongoing support we’ve had from the people of Sherwood. We’re incredibly grateful to the Sherwood community for using the welcome event to again raise money for our patients and their families.”
Here’s details of the event:
Date: Saturday 18 May
Timings: 11:30 am (robin-based craft activities), 12:00 (official opening)
Venue: Sherwood library.