25th February 2020
Partners master the make-up brush

Partners of patients at Nottinghamshire Hospice are learning how to give their loved ones a makeover thanks to a new scheme trialled during Friday wellbeing sessions.
Makeup artist Adele Coxon ran taster sessions to teach partners how to apply makeup after patient Beverley Fairbanks identified a need.
Beverley, who has motor neurone disease, has lost use of her arm and now struggles to put on her own make-up. She said: “I like to be able to have a small amount of make-up on when I leave the house, but it’s becoming more difficult with my condition.
“For some women, wearing make-up is an important part of their life, and some would never be seen out without make-up. But with a condition like mine you need help to put it on.”
Beverley persuaded husband Dave to come in for one of the sessions. He mastered basic eye shadow techniques, concealer, powder & blush application as well as eyeliner in the 30-minute tutorial.
Dave said: “I have never had to do anything like this before, but I could see how important it was to Beverley to be able to have at least some basic make up on when she goes out.
“I have never been any good at painting, so I was a bit worried that she would end up looking like Coco the Clown after three rounds with Mike Tyson, but with a bit of patience I think I did a half decent job – I won’t say which half!”
Makeup artist Adele said she’d never taught partners before, but Dave was a natural.
She said: “It was a great experience to be able to teach Dave how to apply his wife’s makeup. At first he was a little nervous but with guidance he picked it up wonderfully. A little more practice and I think Dave will perfect Beverley’s makeup.
“I think until you can no longer apply your own makeup you don’t realise how big a part of you it has become, so having someone there who can make you feel like yourself again is wonderful. Makeup isn’t just a pretty face. It’s a great mood enhancer and gives a confidence boost too.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the experience too and would love to be able to offer this more frequently at the hospice.”
At the hospice staff chat to patients to establish what their goals are and, wherever possible, help them work towards those goals.
Young Adults Key Worker Clair Marshall, who arranged the sessions, said: “This seemed like such a good idea and something that was easily achievable. Thanks to Beverley for suggesting it and to Adele for giving her time free of charge. This is definitely something we are keen to develop.”
Makeup sessions are just one of the activities the hospice has put for patients and their carers on during Friday Wellbeing Days. Find out more about what’s on offer here.