Governance - Nottinghamshire Hospice
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Who we are


Our commitment to good governance is led by our Board of Trustees, the Strategic Corporate Governance group and the Quality and Safety group. Our care is inspected by the Care Quality Commission and overseen by Nottinghamshire ICS to whom we report regularly on the quality of our care.

Please find below some of our policies and procedures, which you may find useful.

We regularly gather and use feedback from patients and carers, donors, trusts, and foundations together with the general public, our staff and volunteers. We use this to improve our services and practice. We work to be transparent, inclusive, and non-discriminatory in everything Nottinghamshire Hospice does and is accountable for.

Some of our other policies and standard operating procedures are stored in a dedicated location for our staff and volunteers to access. If you need access to these, please contact us.

You can find our privacy policies here.

Filter goverance documents

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Falls Prevention and Management Policy CS032

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Fire Safety Policy OP005

Governance Document

Quality Account 2023 – 2024


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023 – 2028

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Reporting of Incidents and Accidents Policy OP002

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Equality Impact Assessment Policy HR0037

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Management of Recyclable Waste SOP026

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Cleaning a Vehicle SOP002

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Safety Alerts SOP010

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Personal Hygiene and the Use of PPE SOP001

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Management of Miscellaneous Waste SOP029

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Management of Confidential Waste SOP028
