16th February 2022
Meet the volunteer: Sarah Knightsbridge
Sarah combines being a full time serving Police officer with volunteering at the Wollaton shop.

Sarah – whose current role in the assessment unit at Derbyshire Police involves mostly working from home – wanted something to do when she’s off shift while her children are at school, so she’s been volunteering at the shop since the end of 2021.
“We’ve been going to that shop since the kids were tiny and we love it,” said Sarah, who has twins aged nine.
“It’s a really nice environment. It’s so well looked after and they’ve got nice stuff in there.
“The team is great, they make you feel really welcome. I really enjoy it. It’s fun.”
“I used to be a Police Officer working in the community, now I’m mainly home-based I miss the interaction. Doing a shift a week at the shop gets me out meeting people and I like that,” added Sarah, pictured below with her son.
“I like that it’s a local charity so all the money raised stays in Nottingham. It’s also promoting sustainability in fashion, which is important.”
Sarah enjoys talking to families about the books and clothing on sale at the shop and can advise on what childrens’ items are likely to sell.
On one occasion, a foster parent came in who had learnt at short notice she would be receiving a baby the very next day. Sarah helped her choose baby clothes for her new foster child.
Sarah’s advice to anyone considering volunteering at once of the hospice’s shops is:
“Do it. You get to meet loads of people. Go for it, there’s nothing to lose!”
Sarah says people volunteer for all sorts of reasons.
“I do it as a side thing as I had some spare time. Some people do it for work experience and to boost their confidence and skills. Others are retired and want to give something back or get out of the house and meet people.”