16th May 2018
Lawn and order – police trainees tackle hospice garden

Green-fingered trainees from Nottinghamshire Police have been tackling the garden at Nottinghamshire Hospice as they draw to the end of a 20-week training programme.
Over the past two days student officers have been weeding, digging, shearing and mowing the grounds of the historic hospice premises, just days before their passing out parade.
The 17 trainees, due to pass out on Friday and start their first policing shift on Monday, have been getting stuck into gardening tasks in the grounds of the hospice’s historic premises on Woodborough Road, Nottingham.
Student Officer Josh said: “We’ve been weeding out some of the big nasty things and doing some of the more back-breaking work. It’s nice to be here, it’s giving something back to the community beyond policing.
“This is a great way to finish off 20 weeks of solid training.”
Student officer Joe, who joined the force after several years in teaching says: “It’s been brilliant fun. It’s nice to come out here and give something back.”
The students, who include in their cohort ex-teachers, lifeguards, security guards, engineers and special constables, will be joined by their families and the Chief Constable on Friday for the passing out parade at Nottinghamshire Police Headquarters.
Anita Harris, Head of Fundraising for Nottinghamshire Hospice said: “It’s really important for the hospice, in practical terms, to gain support from our partners, particularly the police. But it’s also just as important for our patients to see people around in the gardens, so that they know that the community, in one way or another, is supporting them as they go through such a difficult time.”
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