10th December 2024
June’s story: part two
June tells us about how we helped her mum, and her memories of her.

We recently caught up with June, one of our Wellbeing patients, as she told us about how the Hospice has given her a space for distraction, laughter and friendship.
Above picture: June with friends at the Hospice.
Now, as part of our Light Up A Life appeal, she tells us more about how her relationship with the Hospice actually started ten years ago, when her mum became ill.
“Everyone was so lovely”
Like June herself, her mum wasn’t initially happy about getting the support she needed.
She explains: “My mum had to go to Hayward House because we couldn’t control her pain – and she didn’t talk to me for a week after we took her in! But after that she didn’t want to come out. She said about how everyone was so lovely”
Making a difference
When June’s mum was brought home, they enlisted the help of our Hospice In Your Home services, and a member of our care team was there when June’s mum died.
“It really made a difference. The nurse had sent us home to rest and said she’d call if anything changed. She did call, and although she died before we got back, we knew the nurse was with her the whole time. It felt as though mum had waited for us to go before she died.
“The nurse had put on music, you could tell she’d stayed sitting with her. She then did so much, helped us make vital phone calls – all the stuff we didn’t know to do and had never been through before.
“She really supported us.”
Thinking about mum everyday
When talking about her mum now, June says: “I think of her everyday – not just the winter and festive period. Even when we do the weekly shop I see things and think ‘oh, mum would like that’ – it never goes away.”
Remember a loved one
If you’re looking for a special way to remember a loved one this winter, and help others like June and her mum, support the work of the Hospice through our Light Up A Life appeal.
You can read more from June’s story here.
Above picture: Patients and volunteers, including June (far right) enjoy the Hospice’s summerhouse..