17th March 2022
Introducing Molly, our new Care Coordinator
We’re delighted to welcome Molly Paulson, who has joined the hospice as a care coordinator after seven years with the NHS as a support worker in a community district nursing team.

Molly has 12 years experience in care roles – she began her career in a care home where there was an NHS-funded bed for palliative patients, and her NHS role brought her into close contact with the hospice as she cared for patients who were approaching the end of life. So joining the hospice seemed the perfect next step.
Her role at the hospice involves taking referrals for patients, giving advice to family members, liaising with GPs and NHS contacts, and allocating appropriate care – assessing what level of support a patient needs and coordinating which nursing teams go where.
Care coordinators are crucial to the smooth running of the hospice and are often the first port of call for distressed relatives.
“I’ve always been interested in end-of-life care, and knew about the work of the hospice. In the district nursing team we worked alongside the hospice and we’d refer people to the hospice, so this experience will help me in my role as coordinator when referrals come in.”
Molly – just into her second week at the hospice – has been shadowing staff and learning the ropes.
“Everybody at the hospice has been fantastic. They’ve been really supportive and everyone in the building has been so welcoming,” she added.