18th August 2021
Introducing Dipak Datta, Clinical Trustee
Nottinghamshire Hospice is looking for clinical trustees to join its board of directors. Today we are sharing Dipak’s story to give an insight into the role.

Dipak joined the hospice in 2019, bringing with him a wealth of clinical, management and research experience spanning more than three decades.
A former consultant physician in Rehabilitation Medicine at Sheffield’s Northern General hospital, Dipak retired from the NHS in 2009 but continued to work as an expert medico-legal witness on personal injury cases for a few more years. He then worked for eight years as a trustee for the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability in London – internationally renowned for its work with brain injury patients.
After moving to Nottingham to be near his daughter and grandchildren, he was looking for voluntary opportunities when he spotted a poster advertising for a clinical trustee at Nottinghamshire Hospice.
Making a difference
“I had visited a couple of other hospices and discovered the wonderful, important work they do for patients, carers and families so I thought I’d like to use my experience in clinical services and management to make a difference,” Dipak said.
“The end of life care the hospice provides in people’s homes is absolutely crucial. Although the NHS was created to provide care from the cradle to the grave, end of life provision is patchy, and the NHS can’t always meet the medical, emotional and social needs of patients. It’s rewarding to see the difference we make at Nottinghamshire Hospice, bringing hope and quality of life to patients at end of life.
“It’s important that we have a board made up of people with varied expertise so the organisation can run in the most effective and efficient manner. I’m happy to be able to provide input as a clinician.”