2nd September 2021
Hospices unite to launch Forever Fund appeal
for the second year running, Nottinghamshire Hospice has teamed up with Beaumond House Hospice in Newark to launch an appeal to keep care free long into the future.
When the pandemic hit last year, both hospices adapted their services quickly to cope with increased demand and new challenges. Now they are asking people to pledge a small regular amount to safeguard hospice care.
Gemma Taylor Mahon, Fundraising and Marketing Manager at Nottinghamshire Hospice, said: ‘The pandemic revealed a growing need for hospice care services and taught both our hospices the need for increased resilience.
‘Thanks to the generous support of our communities we’ve been able to expand our care in people’s homes and have opened up our buildings again to patients. We want to keep this care free long into the future which is why we’re encouraging people to set up a regular gift. Even a small regular donation makes a huge difference to families.’
During the pandemic, traditional day services were postponed but both hospices expanded the care they provide in patients’ homes. As restrictions lifted this summer, both have reopened their buildings to patients.
Nottinghamshire Hospice recently welcomed patients back to its building with the opening of its new therapy and wellbeing unit providing a tailored, bespoke package of support for patients.
Beaumond House have resumed their day therapy services and completed the installation of a new garden therapy room. This provides a space for bereavement support, wellbeing and complementary therapy for patients and carers.
Ian’s story
During the pandemic, both hospices worked together to deliver a package of care to patients including Ian from Newark. On receiving a diagnosis of terminal cancer, Ian, a Newark resident for nearly 50 years, wanted to spend his remaining days in his beloved home.
His GP initiated input from various agencies – coordinated via the mid-Notts Palliative Care team – and it was through them that Ian and his family learnt about Hospice at Home care.
The Beaumond House Hospice at Home team offered care on a day-to-day basis as required.
Ian’s daughter Emily, said: ‘The members of this team were supremely professional at all times and it was clear that for them it was not just a job. They were obviously dedicated to their role which was carried out with a lightness of touch that meant dignity, respect and comfort were always foremost in all their actions, with a healthy dose of humour along the way. Our father was very independent and they made sure that he was very much front and centre in everything that they did.’
Night support
Nottinghamshire Hospice also came on board, providing nursing care at night.
‘We were grateful for this help as it allowed us some time to rest, knowing help was on hand during the night. Sadly, one of these nights proved to be our father’s last and the registered nurse there that night was just wonderful. Her compassion was clear to see and allowed us to spend his final moments with him and say our goodbyes. It was a peaceful farewell. His his dying wish to be at home was made possible by the amazing care he received,’ Emily added.
‘The whole approach was seamless; both hospices worked in parallel with one aim in mind – to make our father as comfortable as possible. This provided a huge degree of emotional comfort for the family.’
‘There is no handbook on how to deal with a terminal diagnosis as a family but having assistance from both hospice care teams meant we were able to navigate the final weeks together, safe in the knowledge that they were there to help us in our time of need.’
Cathy Lowe, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at Beaumond House Hospice, said: “The experiences so many of us have gone through during the pandemic have highlighted the importance of fulfilling the last wishes of those we care about. This is a vital part of accepting the death of a loved one and we have also seen how painful it can be when we can’t do this.
“With your support our work helps people to plan, have conversations about their wishes and brings dignity in dying, which is vitally important for everyone.”