12th June 2019
Hospice shops team up with services

Nottinghamshire Hospice’s nine shops have each adopted an area of care services in a move to show customers where their money goes.
Each shop has created window displays related to their specific area and stocks information and leaflets to give out to visitors.
Staff from the shops will be spending time with their adopted care team to see first hand how the team works with patients.
Penny Cooper, head of Retail at Nottinghamshire Hospice, says: “Our shops are the public face of the hospice and the staff and volunteers who work there are ambassadors for the organisation and can help spread the word to the general public about what the hospice does.”
“Adopting a service creates a strong link between the shops and the care we provide to patients. By visiting their adopted area our staff will learn about that work and can talk knowledgeably about it.”
Annually, the hospice shops bring in £1 million for the hospice which goes into crucial palliative care for patients with a terminal illness and support for their families and carers.
Here are details of which shop represents which service:
Burton Joyce: Night Support Service
Calverton: Hospice at Home (nights)
Mapperley: Day Therapy
Sherwood: Symptom Control
Sutton in Ashfield: Care Support
Radcliffe on Trent: Wellbeing days
Ruddington: Wellbeing days
West Bridgford: Bereavement counselling
Wollaton: Hospice at Home (days)
You can find out about your local shop and learn how to support them here.