1st October 2023
Hospice offers free Wills during October
Today sees the start of Free Wills Month, and the hospice has teamed up with three organisations to give supporters an opportunity to make their Will for free – and leave a lasting legacy.

We’ve partnered with online Wills provider Octopus Legacy, formerly Guardian Angel, so people can write a simple Will for free in as little as 15 minutes. Meanwhile, two local solicitors – Rothera Bray and Ella Millett Legal – are offering face-to-face appointments for simple Wills.
In return, people can opt to support Nottinghamshire Hospice by leaving a gift in their Will.
Why make a Will?
Studies show that less than half of UK adults have an up-to-date Will, but not having one can lead to unnecessary stress and worries for those left behind.
Alison Marsh, Legacy and In Memory Fundraiser at Nottinghamshire Hospice said: “Your Will is one of the most important documents you’ll ever sign – it makes sure the property, money and possessions you leave behind will go to the people and causes you care about.
“It’s surprising just how many people don’t have a Will at all, or have one that’s very out of date. Free Wills Month is an excellent opportunity to get a free Will, and best of all, you can choose to support Nottinghamshire Hospice at no cost to you now.”
How it works
The hospice has partnered with expert Will writers, Octopus Legacy (formerly Guardian Angel), to make leaving this kind of long-lasting impact even easier. In just 15 minutes, you can write a FREE Simple Will and leave a gift to secure our care for future generations.
This offer runs throughout the year, not just during October.
We’re also grateful to have the support of two local solicitors who are offering a limited number of face-to-face Simple Will appointments.
Rothera Bray are offering appointments at the hospice on Tuesday 17th October and at their Lace Market office throughout October.
Ella Millett Legal Solicitors are offering appointments at their office on Bramcote Lane, Wollaton, throughout October.
John’s story
John, of Sherwood, Nottingham made a Will during Free Wills Month in a previous year to support Nottinghamshire Hospice.
He said: “We’d been putting off making a Will but after my wife had a cancer scare, we realised we should get one written. The Free Wills campaign made it easy. The solicitor we saw at Rothera talked us through everything and was really helpful. This is a good opportunity to get your Will written and support a worthwhile local cause like Notts Hospice at the same time.”
What difference will your gift make?
Gifts left to Nottinghamshire Hospice help provide care to those with incurable illness enabling people to spend their final days at home with loved ones around them.
It costs £4.6 million a year to provide the hospice care, through Wellbeing, Hospice in your Home and Bereavement Support. However much you give, every pound will have a lasting impact, and your kindness will live on long after you’re gone.
£300 will pay for overnight care in a patient’s home, giving family members a chance to get a good night’s sleep, knowing their loved one is safe and cared for.
- £2,100 will pay for support during the final week of someone’s life. This includes visits during the day and night to care for the patient, plus support for the family before, during and immediately after the death of their loved one.
- £12,000 will cover the cost of running Nottinghamshire Hospice for a whole day, including Hospice in your Home, Wellbeing and Bereavement Support.