3rd September 2018
Hoodwinked feels the force

Star Wars fans descended on Victoria Market in Nottingham last week to pose for photographs with their favourite characters and the R2Tweet2 robin sculpture.
Families queued up to have their photos taken with members of the Star Wars costume group East Midlands Garrison including Boba Fett, Jawa, Han Solo and Princess Leia, Imperial Troops, and an Imperial Officer.
First in the queue was eight year old Joshua Patridge, from Calverton, an avid fan. Joshua’s mum Anne Marie said: “We got some great pictures, we got one with Solo, Joshua’s favourite character, and we even got one of him chatting up Princess Leia!”
The family have been ticking off sculptures on the Hoodwinked trail and have four left to find.
One of the youngest fans was Zachary, aged three. Mum Gemma, from Hucknall, said: “Zachary is star-struck, he’s never met the characters before. He’s Star Wars mad!”
Sophia Smithers from Sherwood (pictured) brought her two daughters, Lilly (3), and Mai, (8). Mai said “It’s exciting because I’m a really big fan of Star Wars and never done anything like this before. I’ve watched every film and I like all the characters.”
Sophia said: “We’ve been doing the Hoodwinked trail and only have one left to find. We’d already done the R2Tweet2 robin but had to come back for the Garrison. For me as a mother of two daughters Star Wars is a fairy tale set in space and it’s good to have strong characters especially strong female characters.”
Families made donations to the hospice in return for a photo with the characters. The event raised £134.
Greg Hewitt, Fundraising Events Co-ordinator at Nottinghamshire Hospice, said: “The day was a great success! Not just kids but grown up fans as well came along to have their pictures taken. Huge thanks to the East Midlands Garrison and to photographer Jay Raval for giving their time for free, and to Jessops in Nottingham for donating 100 vouchers with 20% off for photo printing.”