Support us
Give a gift in memory
Why not ensure your loved one’s memory lives on by giving a gift in their name to our patients, families and carers? A gift in memory is a wonderful way to remember someone special to you, whilst knowing that you’ll be providing people with our much-needed care.

Your gift can come in many forms. We’re here to help you to give in any way you choose:
Funeral Donations
People we’ve helped and cared for – and many others who simply wish to support our work – ask that their friends, families and colleagues make a donation to the hospice at their funeral rather than sending flowers.

Forget-Me-Not Meadow
Dedicate a flower in memory of your loved ones and make our Forget-Me-Not meadow bloom.

Dedicate a leaf on the tree of life
Dedicating a hand-engraved leaf or foundation stone on our beautiful, hand-crafted Tree of Life is a unique way to celebrate and remember the life of someone special whilst helping a cause close to your heart.

Tribute Funds
The memory of someone special will stay with us always and a tribute fund helps family and friends comes together to share that memory. Celebrating the life of a loved one through purposeful fundraising is truly special and will leave the most precious legacy in their name.

Give a Donation
A donation as a personal thank you for the care you or a loved one has received – this can be a regular gift or a one-off donation.

Fundraise Your Way
Take on a fundraising challenge in memory of your loved one. We’ve had head shaves, fancy dress days, jigsaw marathons, sponsored runs, and more. Take a look at our Fundraise Your Way page for inspiration, or get in touch if you’d like us to help with ideas

Get in touch
Whichever option you choose, we are here to support you. If you have any questions, please contact us on or 0115 910 1008 option 5