31st May 2018
Expert sessions help palliative patients to live well

People with a palliative condition and their carers are invited to attend a series of workshops at Nottinghamshire Hospice where they can learn how to manage symptoms, reduce pain, prevent falls and promote wellbeing.
Experienced hospice staff will lead a series of ‘Learn More’ sessions, starting next week, aimed at equipping patients and carers to help themselves while living at home.
Topics such as ‘Managing Breathlessness,’ ‘Looking after your skin’, and ‘Truths and myths about resuscitation’ will be covered in a nine-week programme starting on Monday 4 June. Sessions start at 11am and last 40 minutes.
Clinical Nurse Specialist Liz Morgan says: “Sessions are designed for those who want to find out more about living well and people can come to as many or few as they like. It’s a chance to learn in a non-threatening environment.
“As well as patients already using our services we hope that other people with a palliative condition or their carers will take advantage of these free sessions.”
Details of the programme are below:
Managing Breathlessness: 4-8 June
Nutrition and weight management: 11-15 June
What a pain!: 19-22 June (closed on 18th)
Exercise and Fatigue: 25-29 June
Looking after your skin: 2-6 July
Relaxation: 9-13 July
Falls prevention: 16-20 July
Making plans for the future: 23-27 July
Truths and myths about resuscitation: 30 July – 3 August
For more information about each session go to: https://www.nottshospice.org/get-involved/events-and-challenges/