23rd March 2020
Coronavirus: an update about our shops

Monday 23rd March 2020
Thank you for your wonderful support of our local Nottinghamshire Hospice Shops which we feel are the heart of your communities. We have been working to keep our shops open because we know how important they are as places people feel they can go for help and advice.
The virus is not currently under control and we have taken the decision to protect you, our staff and volunteers by closing our shops with immediate effect. As I know the team will have told you, the shops provide a vital level of income which comes from your kindness and generosity and is converted into direct care to people who are actively dying due to cancer or other life-limiting illness. We are all aware of the way in which COVID-19 attacks the respiratory system, people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are amongst our largest group of patients and will be desperate for our care.
What are we doing to help?
- We are delivering our day therapy care by the team going out to our patients providing nursing, physiotherapy, complementary therapy and holistic care.
- The Hospice at Home team as you know have always nursed people in their own home 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, to ensure people have a good death. The team of 70 palliative health care assistants and registered nurses are out there delivering care, the Hospice has the same challenges in relation to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as our sister service the NHS.
- Hospice Night Support – we now have 3 teams operating throughout the night, every night, visiting patients and carers through the darkest hours. The team respond to your calls, those of paramedics, NHS colleagues and
- Those who are bereaved are being supported as usual though over the phone and we are taking the same approach with our carers.
We are working in close harmony with all providers and the fabulous NHS, by supporting people at home we are protecting hospital beds and reducing demands.
How can we help you?
We are here to help you in any way we can, our specialism is in palliative and end of life care, but we know so much so if you need help and think we can be of service please call…
0115 962 1222, 24 hours a day
How can you help us?
We rely on the kindness and generosity of our communities to be able to provide nursing and holistic care, this is done in your name and on your behalf. Imagine the impact you have on strangers who know you are there for them at a challenging time.
Crucially we need your financial support, our approach has always been to use your donations to provide care, this means our resources and reserves are very limited. This may mean we will not be able to continue to provide vital care to those who are dying from a terminal or life-limiting illness.
Please help us by donating – here’s how you can do it:
To donate online, click here
OR text COMMUNITY 5 to 70490 to donate £5
Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £5 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text COMMUNITYNOINFO 5 to 70490.
If you’d like to donate a different amount, up to £20, just replace the 5 with the amount you’d like to give.
Thank you for standing by your local Hospice, we are the only community Hospice caring for people in every part of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, your money stays in your communities, caring for your neighbours. Please support us to support you.
Yours sincerely,
Rowena Naylor-Morrell
CEO Nottinghamshire Hospice